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Writer's pictureJo Middleton

Living in Harmony with Our Dogs

Let’s face it: living with a dog is as rewarding as it can be challenging. But when you tune in to what your dog really needs, the two of you can live in harmony, creating a bond that feels as natural as breathing.

Listen Without Words

Dogs speak with their bodies, and they do it all the time. Whether it’s a wagging tail or a slight flick of their ears, they’re constantly trying to communicate. If your dog yawns, licks their lips, or starts avoiding eye contact, they’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed. By learning to recognize these signals, you can step in before things get too stressful. Maybe it’s time for a break or some quiet time. This small awareness builds trust and helps your dog know that you’re tuned into their needs.

Be Clear and Consistent

Dogs, like humans, love clarity. They thrive when they understand what’s expected of them. If you’ve got a rule in the house - like no jumping up on guests - be consistent. Gently remind them every time, and reward them when they get it right. Positive reinforcement works wonders because it’s not just about obedience; it’s about showing your dog that you see and appreciate their efforts.

Respect Their Personality

Each dog is different. Some are extroverts, bouncing up to every person they meet, while others prefer to hang back, observing the world at their own pace. Take the time to figure out who your dog is. Are they happy with new experiences, or do they prefer the comfort of the familiar? By respecting their individuality, you allow them to feel safe and loved, which deepens the bond you share.

Make Everyday Moments Count

Training doesn’t have to happen in formal sessions. In fact, some of the best learning happens in everyday moments. Maybe it’s teaching them to wait patiently while you pour their food or to walk nicely beside you. These small interactions build skills over time, and they reinforce the idea that learning is fun. Plus, these moments of connection can turn routine tasks into something meaningful for both of you.

See the World Through Their Eyes

Dogs experience the world differently. What may seem like nothing to us - a loud noise, a new smell, or even a change in routine - can feel intense for them. Taking the time to see the world from their perspective can help you respond with more patience and kindness. It’s about empathy. When you give your dog the space and understanding to be themselves, they’ll trust you even more.

At NICE, we believe that coexisting with dogs isn’t about control - it’s about connection. Whether you’re a dog owner wanting to improve your relationship or a professional looking to deepen your understanding, the key is empathy, respect, and communication. Let’s build relationships where both humans and dogs can truly thrive.

If you're a dog professional looking to grow your business and help more people to help dogs, check out more info about our professional membership here.

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