Concerns and Complaints Policy
It is our policy to embrace feedback and take a pragmatic and proactive approach if a concern is rasied about any aspect of our service, our operations or the ethical operations of our members.
Concerns received by the NICE are seen as an opportunity for improvement. All feedback is taken seriously.
We will make all reasonable efforts to understand issues or concerns, and to resolve concerns within the service when they arise.
Concerns will be addressed promptly with the aim of providing a formal response within 48 working hours. We will communicate with you openly and regularly while we work to resolve your concern. The complainant will be actively involved in resolving the issue. Once a resolution has been reached, we will communicate with you to explain how we have achieved our conclusion.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your concern, you can appeal our decision. We can also assist you in accessing external complaint resolution mechanisms.
Complaints must be lodged in writing. This will assist with understanding the nature of the complaint and ensure that the facts provided are correct.
Should someone give a verbal complaint, they should be asked to put their concern in writing to the secretary via to facilitate the tracking of feedback.​
The complainant must put their concern in writing via in the first instance, including evidence that supports the concern.
Concerns will be acknowledged on receipt, with a time frame of 14 days from receipt to resolution where possible.
A thorough internal investigation will take place and we may ask for additional information if this is required. If necessary any parties implicated in the concern will be asked to provide information.
A decision will be made within 14 days and the complainant informed of this in writing by email which will be sent to the same email address used by the complainant to submit their complaint unless otherwise specialist.
Should the complainant disagree with the decision, they have the right to right to appeal and this should be in writing via
The Directors will consider the appeal and make a decision, informing the complainant within 14 days from the date of appeal.